Our Mission
The Humane Society of Putnam County’s mission is to educate the community on the importance of spaying and neutering dogs and cats and responsible pet ownership. When the shelter is open, the HSPC works to provide the community with a safe haven for abandoned, unwanted or homeless dogs and cats, and to make every effort to find new homes for those animals which would make good pets. The HSPC is a private, not for profit (501c3) organization.

Did You Know?
Consider showing your support for the Humane Society of Putnam County by selecting us as your Kroger Community Rewards organization. When you select the Humane Society of Putnam County as your community rewards organization, Kroger donates a percentage of your every day purchases to the organization. Earnings are sent to the group on a quarterly basis. Just click on the Kroger Icon below, sign into your Kroger account, and search for Humane Society of Putnam County. You can enter our NPO number MQ817 in the search field to find us quicker. The animals thank you!
Available For Adoption
All of our animals that are available for adoption have been spayed/neutered, micro-chipped, vaccinated, treated with preventive medications and provided medications for any obvious health issues. Our animals are healthy and behaviorally appropriate for adoption to the best of our knowledge.
Our adoption fees range between $50-$150+, depending on the animal (cash or check only). When adopting, we provide veterinary & vaccination records, food to transition the diet, tips for adapting an adopted animal, a blanket, toys, and a promise to always welcome the pet back if it isn’t forever.
Please email us at HSPCAnimals14@gmail.com to request a Adoption Application