We happily accept monetary donations as well as tangible donations for Rescued Treasures.

Monetary donations can be made through PayPal by clicking the button to the right →

Monetary donations can also be sent to the Humane Society of Putnam County, PO Box 444, Greencastle, IN 46135. We welcome you to designate your donation (general, spay/neuter fund, or our Putnam County Foundation endowment). We thank you in advance for your generous contributions.

You can even help the Humane Society of Putnam County just by shopping on Amazon! Be sure to shop on smile.amazon.com  instead of regular Amazon, and pick us, The Humane Society of Putnam County, Greencastle, IN, as your charity! When you shop though Amazon Smile, a portion of your order will be donated to us at no cost to you!

You can also donate at any of the following locations which have generously agreed to host HSPC donation jars:


All donations are tax deductible under our 501c3 status as a not for profit organization. For a tax receipt, please contact hspcanimals14@gmail.com or stop in Rescued Treasures during business hours (Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm).